A message from NPA Section President Mike Smith (Georgia):

Dear Notary Public Administrators and Friends,
As we embark on the New Year, it is time to re-new our commitment to meeting the challenges we will face and the opportunities presented to us as Notary Public Administrators and stakeholders within the industry.
This past year was a very busy one for the Notary Public Administrators (NPA). We accomplished quite a lot, but important issues that will have far-reaching implications face us in 2024. This is where your participation is vital to the success of the Notary Public Administrators.
In order to meet our goals for 2024 and beyond, we need you! Your support during the past year has been the main reason why NPA has been able to play such an important role in the notary industry. Thanks to your support and participation, the Notary Public Administrators is viewed by many to be the pre-eminent body within the industry.
Let's keep up the momentum! Links to the 2024 Notary Public Administrators' membership invoice are located on this page. Instructions and cost are contained in the membership form.-
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me or any other member of the NPA Board.
Mike Smith
President, Notary Public Administrators, a staff section of the National Assocation of Secretaries of State
Are you joining the NPA Section, or renewing an existing membership? Please use the Membership Invoice/Forms below.
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